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Import Promotion Desk (IPD) assists you in accessing the European market. In order to export successfully to Europe, you will require market competence and, above all, contacts. IPD mediates both. Throughout your entire internationalisation process for Europe, IPD is at your side offering support and advice – neutral, well-founded, cost-optimised. A number of criteria need to be fulfilled for you to work together with IPD – in addition to an evaluation conducted by our experts. The aim of IPD is to connect you as a competent partner to suitable buyers. To that end, we offer you a range of services.

Networking and matchmaking

IPD brings you together with interested importers.

Both in Europe and at your own home base. For this purpose and for you, we organise:

You want to sell on the European market? But you still lack important information about
that market? You want to assess your market potential accurately? And check whether an
investment in exports will be worthwhile?
Gather that information on the spot. We organise export market orientation missions to
Europe for you and provide you with an overview of the market.
We will accompany you to key trade fairs in Europe and, on the fringes of the fair, arrange
for you to visit import companies, logistics centres or control institutions. In a short space
of time, you will meet those market players who are relevant for your situation. And so, you
will gain comprehensive information on product sectors, customer requirements, trends,
and prices. At the same time, you can establish initial contacts to potential business
partners. In extra workshops, our experts will inform you of EU market requirements such
as certificates, import conditions, quality standards, etc.
Our export market orientation missions enable you to gain practical knowledge and
understanding of the EU market and its opportunities, and of your competition.
An important prerequisite for you to export successfully to the new market.

You are already well prepared for exporting to the European market? You meet all the
Now is the time to present yourself to the European trade sector.
Whether as a visitor or as an exhibitor on the IPD trade fair stand or a country stand –
IPD prepares everything for your appearance at key trade fairs in Europe. We network
you directly to your potential customers and maximise your success at the trade fair.
IPD will implement PR and promotional measures advertising your trade fair appearance
(e.g. press releases to relevant media, direct mailing, telemarketing, presentation of your
company in the IPD exhibitors’ brochure). That way, we ensure that your target group is
made aware of your presence at the fair.
In advance of the fair and during its course, we will identify suitable importers who could
be interested in your products and arrange concrete appointments for B2B meetings at
the trade fair. We will also be glad to accompany you to the meetings during the fair.
In the context of a workshop prior to the trade fair, we will provide you with relevant
information on the market, trends, competition, etc., and train you in professional trade fair
presentation. Thus, for example, you will learn from our sales coaching how to conduct
your sales talks effectively and successfully. Our experts will show you methods and
strategies that will quickly enable you to present your products persuasively and engage in
negotiations with European buyers.
IPD will also support you in the follow-up, alerting you to the key essentials to be dealt
with once the exhibition is over. In addition to this, we also offer to contact those importers
once again after the fair with whom you had successful talks. That way, subsequent to the
fair, we assist you in consolidating the established contacts, removing possible business
obstacles and setting-up long-term trade relations.



You wish to sell directly and personally to Europe? You would like to reinforce existing

business contacts and establish new contacts?

We organise selling missions to Europe for companies with export potential. To that

end, we arrange for you to visit European importing companies. You will conduct sales

talks with companies who have a clear interest in your products. You will have sufficient

opportunities to present your products at length and without being pressed for time,

and to negotiate in detail. Needless to say, we will accompany you throughout the entire

selling mission and will be at your side with support and advice as you conduct your talks.

In addition to the full logistics of the trip within Germany and the EU, we make every effort

to offer you further services during the selling missions, such as visits to trade fairs or

the option of specialist workshops. These can assist you in expanding your knowledge of

the European market. The offers are determined by the date and time of the trip.


Targeted matchmaking also occurs on our buying missions, during which we lead

potential European buyers directly to you and your company. We invite European

importers to visit our exporters’ production plants and to test the quality of the products

for themselves on site. Here too, we match suitable partners and their interests with each

other in advance, and prepare them thoroughly for successful sales talks.

Consultation and qualification

Import regulations, quality specifications, requisite certificates – exporting to Europe is

demanding and bureaucratic. In order that you can engage successfully in the activities of

the European market, IPD offers capacity building for your qualification.

Our services are selected in accordance with and individually attuned to the exporters’

needs. We advise and train you in group workshops or coach you individually – either in

Europe or directly on site in your own company.

Our experts pay regular visits to the exporters in the IPD programme. This allows for

mutual or collective discussions, consultations and solutions for shared challenges.

We are thus able to evaluate your progress more accurately and to customise our

services accordingly.

As required, we can support exporters and provide them with information in the

following areas:

+ Basic international / national standards, norms and certificates

+ Process and product documentation

+ Action plans for accessing international markets

+ Sales and communication with international clients

+ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

+ Market and trade information (trends, requirements, current market situation)

+ Specific product information (trends, statutory provisions and regulations)

Furthermore, in its capacity building, IPD works together closely with local business

support organisations in the respective partner countries – thereby lending lasting

reinforcement to the export services in your country.


That way, we get together and stay together.


We show great commitment towards you – we therefore expect of our partners an equally

high degree of commitment and a willingness to work together constructively.

+ The evaluation of your operations by IPD:

We will be glad to inform you personally of the details of the process and of our criteria

+ An existing demand for your products on the European market

+ A willingness to engage in regular, smooth, and transparent communication with IPD

+ The provision of information (such as contacts, products, quantities, and export turnover) for

the documentation of results

+ Social responsibility and compliance with national and international legislation


As a rule, the IPD’s consultation and networking services are free of charge. We charge

a participation fee for all additional overheads such as attendance at trade fairs, hotels,

logistics and other outlay, determined by the length and expense of the activities.





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